Category Archives: Computers

Ansible Automation Platform Workflows

Overview AWX Workflows let you chain tasks together and act on the outcome. This article provides instructions in how to create an AWX Workflow. Templates An AWX Workflow is a series of playbooks that are created in Templates to run … Continue reading

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Ansible Web Executable Logging In

Overview This article will describe the methodology used to manage user and team access in Ansible Web Executable (AWX). Terminology Ansible Web Executable (AWX) is the upstream open source software that is used in Ansible Automation Platform (AAP). Prior versions … Continue reading

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Gitlab Troubleshooting

Up here in the mountains, we get an occasional power outage. I have the servers on UPSs but generally only have 5 minutes or so to snag my laptop, log in, and start shutting down VMs before the power fails. … Continue reading

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Ansible Automation Platform Projects

Overview This article will provide instructions in how to configure Ansible Automation Platform (AAP) and how to get your Project working. Links for various fields that I don’t need in my environment is provided at the end of this article. … Continue reading

Posted in ansible, Computers, Git | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Quick and Dirty Kubernetes

Overview At times you want to quickly throw up a Kubernetes cluster for some quick test or another. While I do have several Kubernetes clusters on my Homelab once in a while you want to do a quick test or … Continue reading

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Ansible Automation Platform Installation

Overview In order to use AWX, aka the upstream product of Ansible Automation Platform, formerly Ansible Tower, we need to have a working cluster. This article provides instructions in how to install and use AWX. Installation Before doing the installation, … Continue reading

Posted in ansible, Computers, Kubernetes | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Kubernetes Issues

Overview This article lists a couple of issues that occurred while I was building this environment. The issues don’t fit into any of the specific articles mainly because it was likely due to my testing vs anything that occurred during … Continue reading

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Llamas Band and Green/Blue Deployments

Overview The last two jobs indicated they were interested in or already doing green/blue deployments. There are multiple methods of deploying in this manner. Kubernetes has two strategies in the deployment context in order to gradually roll out a new … Continue reading

Posted in CI/CD, Computers | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Llamas Band and Continuous Delivery

Overview In this article, I’ll be providing details on how to configure ArgoCD for the Llamas Band project including deploying to the other sites. Continuous Delivery With ArgoCD installed and the Llamas container CI pipeline completed, we’ll use this configuration … Continue reading

Posted in CI/CD, Computers, Git | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Llamas Band Website

Overview This article provides instructions in how to build my llamas container and then how to deploy it into my kubernetes cluster. In addition, a Horizontal Pod Autoscaling configuration is used. Container Build The llamas website is automatically installed in … Continue reading

Posted in Computers, Docker, Kubernetes | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment