Tag Archives: ansible

Ansible Web Executable Logging In

Overview This article will describe the methodology used to manage user and team access in Ansible Web Executable (AWX). Terminology Ansible Web Executable (AWX) is the upstream open source software that is used in Ansible Automation Platform (AAP). Prior versions … Continue reading

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Ansible Automation Platform Installation

Overview In order to use AWX, aka the upstream product of Ansible Automation Platform, formerly Ansible Tower, we need to have a working cluster. This article provides instructions in how to install and use AWX. Installation Before doing the installation, … Continue reading

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Python and Postgresql Index

Overview This is the index article that will provide links to individual articles on the conversion of one of my projects from a php/mysql(mariadb) to python and postgresql. There shouldn’t be too many however like my Kubernetes and ArgoCD series … Continue reading

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Jinja2: Encountered Unknown Tag

Overview I was running an Ansible playbook and one of the templates failed with the following error: Jinja2 uses a brace + percent and a percent + brace to identify Jinja2 commands that are used when preprocessing a template. This … Continue reading

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Sequential Updates

Say you want to upgrade all the servers. Straight yum upgrade or apt update. For example, in my inventory, I have servers grouped by OS. If I wanted to patch all the CentOS boxes sequentially, I’d run: For a Debian … Continue reading

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Ansible Patterns

Overview One of the cool things with Ansible are Patterns. With Patterns, you can combine entries in your inventory file. Instead of having a bunch of tags specific to each site, you can instead have a list of servers in … Continue reading

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Ansible Tags – A Story

Started a new job back in October. The team is just me and another guy and the boss. And the other guy quit in December. The real good thing is it’s a small single project shop and pretty much all … Continue reading

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Ansible Tags

Overview Simply enough, Ansible Tags let you run specific tasks in a play. If you have a lengthy playbook or are testing tasks within a playbook, you can assign tags to tasks that let you run a specific task vs … Continue reading

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Ansible Handlers

Overview Ansible Handlers are tasks that are only performed when a calling task has successfully changed something. Updating Docker Say for example you want to try and update docker. There isn’t always an update available but if there is an … Continue reading

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‘If You Were Smart, You’d Be In Engineering’

This is a comment I heard a few years back from a manager on the Engineering side of the house. Of course it’s stated in a bad way, but the words behind it is that to advance in technology, your … Continue reading

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