
I let Zack (my teacher) know about the upcoming jam session and he shifted the lesson a bit to help me play better with a group. In this case, he showed me the 12 bar blues and a couple of different methods of playing them. I’m still not 100% clear but I’ll be checking out wiki and asking questions as I explore them this week along with the other lessons I’ve had over the past 4 months.

He mentioned also that he had one of his students cancel out of a lesson so he had some time to chat and went out front to hang out with Todd (the owner of Guitar’s Etc) and his assistant (who’s name escapes me at the moment; it’s important though, Jamie for purposes of the story). A couple of weeks ago I let Todd and “Jamie” know about my YouTube video posting and we even brought it up while I was there so he could watch and listen. Zack said that “Jamie” was impressed by my progress and that I was doing very well. That’s cool of course but Zack also said that “Jamie” is a very good player and doesn’t hand out unsolicited compliments often, so 🙂

Anyway, we went through mostly the 12 bar blues along with some accompaniment so I could get it set in my mind and headed on out for the evening.

Pretty cool, I think 🙂

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