Family Adventure – Day 7

Next morning I got my gear sorted and went out to put it on the bike. It was around 96 degrees per the desk clerk. Once I got packed up, I dropped off the key and headed out.

I ran into another border patrol checkpoint as I was only a few miles from Mexico. I’ve been raising my flip up so the guys can see my face and they’ve been just waving me through. I guess that I don’t likely have several illegals on the bike also helps

After the first one, I stopped after to get a pic of the area. The border patrol was keeping an eye on me of course. I was thinking that this would be a bad place up cross, due to the heat, but then figured it would be at night so less of a chance of being spotted. I also thought that we should just snag the illegals to build the wall rather Than sending them back.

Next up was an area of sand dunes. I stopped for a quick look and pics the off I went. As I approached el centro, it cooled down a bit. It warmed up on the other side though and started through the desert again. It was a very straight run to the mountains then started the run up. This was fun, two lane and twisties on up. At the top, I spotted a tower and decided to check it out. In-ko-pah co park has a tower that overlooks the desert. I paid my 3.50 bucks and went to the top. Then hit the bathroom and checked out the caves. Well, not really. It was really just a bunch of leaning rocks but it was cool to climb around.

Back on the road, I headed west again. Now I’m at the top of the “mountains” at 4000 feet and it’s a bit cooler. On the other side as I headed back down, I thought I could see the Pacific. Unfortunatley, it was really pollution. Going through el cajon, I could smell the smog and even my eyes burned a bit. Getting beyond that though and the air was moister, but not quite as smelly (or I got used to it).

Getting to 163 and I headed north. It was a bit later and I still needed to get to LA. I took Balboa down to the ocean. I called Rita and she suggested heading downtown to see the mosaic outside the convention center. I initially was reluctant but when I got to the ocean, thought I’d head on down.

South on 5 until I saw the sign for the convention center and exited. This was downtown and surprisingly not busy. I wandered around for a bit and then called Rita trying to figure out where the mosaic was. I used the maps feature on the iPhone and found I’d made a right where a left would have had me right at the center. I looped around until I spotted it, stopped, hopped off the bike and walked over for a picture. I also discovered that Comic Con was in town!

After that, I headed north to LA.

I had to find my way out, found 8 and headed east. I missed 5 north but 805 was a bit farther so took that north.

As I followed 5 north, I was able to see the ocean. A couple of times I would take the road over to ride closer but it would still put me back on 5. At laguna hills, I stopped seeing the ocean so tried to cut over again and got lost, finally taking out the iPhone and tracking my way out. After that, I stuck to 5 then 405 until I got to 90 and headed over to Venice Beach to visit with my brother and his girlfriend.

Even that took a couple of tries. He lives on the canals and it’s an interesting bit of roads to traverse. But I eventually found the place, greeted him and unpacked the bike.

After a shower, we headed out to dinner at an Asian place near the pedestrian mall. Then hit the apple store and returned home. We of course chatted, especially about the extended family that I’d been visiting and their expectations. I sacked out on the wicker couch and went to sleep.

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