I’m currently using Spacewalk to manage patches on my servers however it doesn’t support CentOS 8 and I suspect there’ll be more and more issues. Plus my previous job used Satellite and the current one wants me to install Katello so I’ve installed it on one of my VMs.
The idea here is to get the main configuration done in such as way as I’m ready to configure Products, Repositories, and start Syncing to be ready to update all the servers. Most of the Katello instructions are along the lines of how to use the various options but not order or things to make sure are done.
Katello already has an Organization when you installed it. You’ll likely want to rename it to something appropriate.
Click on Administer -> Organizations. Click on the Default one to edit it and rename it. Then click Submit.
Next, add the various locations. I have multiple pseudo data centers that align with environments. Click on Administer -> New Location, enter in the Name and a Description, and click Submit. When the Detail page is displayed, click on Organizations and add the new organization to the location.
Once Organizations is edited and all the Locations are added, the rest of the configurations will have you adding them to Subnets and Domains.
Next up, add the various Puppet Environments. Click on Configure -> Environments and click on the Create Puppet Environment button to create a new Environment. Enter in the Name, click on Locations and add the Environment to the correct Location then make sure the Environment is associated with the Organization. Click Submit to save your changes.
Verify the Domain by clicking on Infrastructure -> Domains. Add a Description if missing, associate the Domain with Locations and the Organization, and then click Submit to save.
Next, add the necessary Subnets. This is a bit more involved. Click Infrastructure -> Subnets then click on the Create Subnet button.
Fill out the Name of the Subnet, a Description, Network Address and Prefix, Mask, Gateway Address, DNS Servers, and VLAN ID. You can select an IPAM option and Katello will try to anticipate the IP Addresses when they’re added. Change to the Domain tab and update that. Click on Locations and add the necessary ones. And make sure the Subnet is added to the correct Organization.
One last step is to go through the above settings and make sure all the fields are filled in. Organization, Locations, Domains, etc.