On eating

A little aside.

Rita has a few eating requirements. She’s been excluding foods to see how they may be affecting her digestion and also eats organically. I don’t have any dietary restrictions.

We have a house sitter while we’re in Prague. He made a comment that rings true for me as well. Essentially we still will want to eat even after having dinner if we smell something else good. So eating pizza will be good and it seems that smelling the same food won’t be attractive but smelling a steak on a grill will have me wanting it or walking by a hot dot place on the street. If left to my own devices, I’d have something to eat all the way up the street. I’m satisfied as in not hungry, but I expect normal folks aren’t attracted to food once they’ve eaten.

So when we go out, Rita asks where do I want to go. But it’s her dietary restrictions that have to be taken into account and since she’s trying new plans to isolate the problem, I don’t know what she can or can’t eat right now.

Unfortunately she’s fooled me in the past. She’ll push to find where I want to eat and I’ll give in and suggest a local place, The Rib House in Longmont for example and I’ll order expecting her to place an order, but she won’t have anything. It feels like I’ve failed a test to have her sitting drinking water while I have ribs.

And with the prevalence of smoking here in Prague and the 8 hour difference in time zones and my eating schedule is thrown off. I didn’t get hungry until midnight. After we’d eaten.

So last night was a little frustrating. We walked for hours looking for places where she could eat where I could have stopped anywhere and at any time and been just fine. Rita kept asking if I wanted anything. Being off my schedule and with the cigarette smoke, I said that I could wait until she found a place to eat. Once found, I could eat with no problem.

We’d stop and she’d do a conversion of crowns to dollars and say “too expensive” or ask for a gluten free menu and be told there isn’t one. At one place there wasn’t anyone eating so we bailed. We figure that no customers shows the place probably doesn’t have the best food. Eventually we simply stopped at a street hot dog place and had a couple of sausages.

I said I’d like to try a Gyro one of these times while we’re in Prague, and she said I should have said so. But if she can’t eat one, why would I get a gyro which would either exclude a restaurant from later choices or force me to have two meals?

It’s a little frustrating.

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One Response to On eating

  1. juli says:

    Hi ya,
    Talking about food ,right now I am eating Naan covered with Marmite, yum. Found a new world market today and bought some of my favorite goodies. When I traveled in So. America, I always ate from food vendors, local stuff, never got sick. Little old ladies squatting on the ground,would have a pot with peppers, onions& meat and put it on a roll. I loved it. Later, the back stage crew told me I was probably eating “Rover Ragout” O dear, and me being such a dog lover.
    Have you found a lot of mosaics? Send pics, I need inspiration. Added a flower to my outside wall today and will finish tomorrow. Carl, great detailed post of your vacation. Enjoy the rest of you trip, you lucky dudes, and Rita, watch your stomach, drink lots of wine and eat garlic, keeps the bugs away. Stay safe, Juli

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