
Got a roommate last week. I’d advertised on and had a few folks interested. Alex is one. He’s coming from staying at a friend’s apartment, apparently for the past 5 years. He’s in his mid 20’s.

He started bring his stuff in two weeks ago and spent the first night last Sunday. Last Saturday his dad flew down from Michigan to help him with a few bigger things.

He’s pretty much stayed in his room the entire week and weekend. i’ve exchanged a few words with him, mostly last minute stuff like the recycle bin. House stuff.

I have a possible second roommate. She’s buying a house in Niwot and needs a short term place to stay.

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Life goes on

Depression is an interesting emotion. I can’t explain why it happens. Yesterday morning I was pretty down. I’d been working with Rita the previous evening, trying to get paperwork together to buy a townhouse and frustrations were high (just dealing with finding and scanning docs everyone wanted mainly). I guess I was feeling bad at the separation and mulled over it all night. I was a little tired and sad heading in to work. I didn’t even hit the gym. Then my Genius playlist was playing all my romantic favorites on my iPad. I was really down.

After 10 or so songs, I queued up Judas Priest, Painkiller and tried to snap out of it but I spent pretty much all day somewhat grumpy and snippy towards others.

I didn’t really snap out of until I got on the bicycle after returning home and rode around the lake (about 4 miles total).

I was very surprised upon reflection today to see just how much I was affected by that. I’ve experienced this a few times over the past year or so and it’s not until a day or more later that I can look back and evaluate the feelings.

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Jeeping with Jim

Jim Williamson has been asking if we wanted to take a jeep ride into the mountains. I received an e-mail from him last night and immediately agreed. We made arrangements for when to get together (8:15am at my place) so we could go to the Twin Peaks Mall to meet up with a couple of other folks going up.

At Twin Peaks, we met up with Bill and Tracy, two fellow jeepsters on a local forum who agreed to let Jim come along or to go with Jim (I couldn’t quite figure that out 🙂 ). We headed out on 119 and on up to Rollins Pass.

The first ride was up to Rollins Pass

Rollins Pass

Then from there up to Jenny Creek:

Jenny Creek

And then up to Yankee Doodle Lake and Jenny Lake up to the old railroad tunnel on Rollins Pass Road.

Heading up to Rollins Pass

The group, using CBs, set channel 4 as the go to channel and after stopping for gas in Boulder, headed up into the mountains. Jim and I had a lovely conversation at full volume (those big tires are loud!) up until we passed through Rollinsville and headed towards Moffit Tunnel. At one wide spot, the others were deflating their tires getting ready to head up. We pulled in to also drop the tire pressure.

Jim and his Jeep

Bill and his Jeep (Bill is in IT at Seagate)

Tracy and his Toyota (Tracy is a drive tech for Seagate)

Once the tires were at an acceptable level, we headed on out.

When we got to the train crossing, an eastbound coal train was blocking it so we stopped so I could grab a picture for Rita

There’s a painted school house just past the railroad crossing. One of the more photographed buildings in the area.

We’re heading up that trail and around to the other side. It’s the old train route, used up to 1927 when Moffit Tunnel was completed. We’ll be riding on the old route for probably 2/3’rds of the ride. It has a steady grade and wide radius turns. There are spots where we’ll bypass the route for instance at one point where the turn is too tight, the railroad used a Y intersection. The train was pushed up the down arm of the ‘Y’ and then backed down the right arm.

The aspens were coloring up nicely

After heading up the grade for a bit, we got to the Jenny Creek intersection. A quick break and we were off.

We stopped briefly at Jenny Creek. Bill was heading around and since it’s a pretty rocky and steep route, he scouted it out before heading up.

Bill got to a point where he couldn’t go forward due to the rock grade.

After Bill backed up, Jim dropped a couple of big rocks in the gap to help.

And off he went

Tracy decided to do a three point turn instead of trying to go over that rock. Even so, he came down pretty hard on that stump you see in the middle just to the right of Bill. Good thing for running roll bars under the drivers side door.

Jim’s jeep is a bit more tricked out with bigger tires and a few other things. The rocks didn’t slow us down. We’re unstoppable 😀

We headed up Jenny Creek, one of the few trails where you ride in the creek instead of next to it.

We stopped for lunch. Pretty day out, nice and cool (we were wearing coats or sweat shirts and Jim had taken the top off and dropped the windshield). After lunch we headed on out again. We’re getting a little higher up in elevation. Trees are a little farther apart and shorter so we can see the sky.

We’re coming out at Yankee Doodle Lake and we can just see the tunnel on Rollins Pass (Needle Point tunnel? Something like that). The tunnel is blocked due to the decay. If it was open or cleared away entirely, there’d be an over the mountain way to get to Winter Park where we wouldn’t need to go over Trail Ridge road or Rt 70.

You probably shouldn’t be sitting in the middle of the road fixing a flat tire 🙂

Yankee Doodle Lake. The group would be splitting up here with Tracy and Bill and Tracy’s daughter Georgia hanging about. Georgia wanted to fish in the lake. Jim and I headed further up to Rollins Road to check out the tunnel.

The dark spot up at the top is the west side of the tunnel.

You can’t actually drive all the way to the tunnel. There’s a gate and a fall of boulders to keep you from continuing. So we stopped and hiked the half mile to mile up to the tunnel.

Looking down on Jenny Lake. To the right you can just see a red and white tent. There was a group of folks down there camping and they had a few guns. We heard them shooting on our way back from the tunnel. The shots made an interesting echo from the surrounding mountainside.

And the tunnel. As you can see, it’s blocked off to keep folks (vehicles actually as we could certainly climb the barrier) from driving through.

The route up to the tunnel. You can see the grade and how it follows the contours just as a train might have.

A peek through one of the gaps in the barrier. It’s a sideways peek but you can see the other side and where a few rocks have fallen.

We climbed up above the tunnel and looked down onto Yankee Doodle Lake.

Farther back in the mountains, you can see a “carpet of green”, almost no beetle kill back here.

We headed back down to Moffit Tunnel

Where Jim used his onboard air compressor to fill the tires back up to 29psi. It took about 45 minutes total I guess but we were ready to head back to Longmont at this point.

All in all, a real pretty day to go riding and the guys were IT _and_ motorcyclists and Tracy seemed to even be a gamer type (sort of). So it was a pretty fun day.

All the pictures are here: Jeeping with Jim

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Sad to report…

After 2 months of packing, cleaning, and emptying of the house, Rita and Ariel (her kitty) drove off this morning at 8:30am. 🙁

I have mixed emotions about this. Many folks on, at work, and my circle of gaming friends have said I’m a lot happier these past couple of months. To me, it’s because of the lifting of guilt. I can and have been enjoying my interests guilt free (95% of the time; there are a few instances where it’s hard to not feel guilty).

But I’m also quite sad about her leaving. More emotional that I truly expected to be honestly. I was almost in tears when we had our final hug in the street, before she got in her car to head back to Virginia. She was in tears and sobbing a little 🙁

I did learn a lot during our time together.

My tastes broadened to include more ethnic foods like Ethiopian, Vietnamese, Thai, and continued my experience with Indian cuisine. She also taught me a lot about eating correctly. For instance, one of the dishes I’d whip up when I was on my own last time was lean hamburger mixed with rice and corn. It was certainly tasty but Rita’s first comment was “that’s two starches!” 🙂 I love salads but she taught me that Spinach and Romaine lettuce was a much better leafy green choice than Iceburg lettuce. I’ve actually kept about 35 to 40 lbs off in no small part to what I learned from Rita.

She was much more of a touring/traveller so we went to Jamaica and Prague which was a very interesting experience. It made me a little more thoughtful when I was out on my bike trips. Instead of just zooming through, I’d occasionally stop to see the sights. I still prefer to zoom but keep an eye out for interesting places I can stop at to take a break.

She rekindled my enthusiasm for the mountains in general. Somewhere way back in the past, I lost track of that. Rita reexposed me to the mountains which was one of the reasons I agreed with Rita’s urging back in 2003 and we moved to Colorado.

She got me back on the bicycle. I had an old broken down one but the heat and humidity as well as the danger in riding a bike in Northern Virginia really kept me off the bike (and in the house). We went out and bought me a new, mountain bike and I’ve enjoyed our rides since then. Even beyond that, I’ve taken the bike up into the mountains of Colorado to ride harder (we mountain biked once and neither of us really liked it 🙂 ).

In Colorado, we started going on hikes. Mostly day hikes but there were a couple of over nighters. It was pretty cool to see all the different environments and even to be higher up in the coolness vs down on the Front Range dealing with the heat.

Her interest in skiing got me to take a class and learn to ski. I’ve really enjoyed it and look forward to doing more this year. I’m only on the Blue slopes but hopefully I’ll be able to advance with more practice.

I’ve been to more concerts in the past 12 years than I did in the previous 43 years combined. I’ve seen Depeche Mode, Bare Naked Ladies, Firefall, BB King, Robert Cray (and am going to see Robert Cray again tomorrow night), Carlos Santana, and quite a few more bands that I don’t know. I danced for the first time with her at a club and continued to dance with her when the opportunity presented itself.

While my gaming interests were pretty idle when we got together, her prompting got me back into it at the levels I was playing back in the day. There are lots of new gear out and I’ve even attended the biggest gaming convention (GenCon) twice.

She also rekindled my interests in learning and playing the guitar. According to folks I’ve talked to, I’ve advanced pretty far in the almost 2 years since I started taking lessons and I’ve been having a blast. I picked up a Bass recently and have been really enjoying that as well.

Motorcycling was another that was rekindled by Rita. I’d been off for more than a few years when we went to Idaho to visit family. I stopped in at Snake River Yamaha to check out and even test ride one of the V*Star bikes. We didn’t qualify then (it was a three day weekend so no bank access for a loan) but no long after returning home, I was able to get back in the saddle. I’ve ridden almost 200,000 miles since 2001 and had a grand time (most of the time 🙂 ).

I hope to continue with my own interests as well and the ones she awakened in me. Skiing, hiking, and biking. These are things I do enjoy now and hope to continue to enjoy for many more years.

I’ll miss her. Hopefully the path she chose will make her healthier. I know I’ve improved. My door is always open to her and I’ll enjoy going hiking, or to a show, or whatever when she comes to visit.

Posted in About Carl, Colorado | 2 Comments

Riding to GenCon 45

Tuesday morning. I’m looking forward to getting home. Both because I’ve been really worried about Ariel. He’s been badly sick and spent several days in the hospital last week. I would have been very sad if he’d passed while I was gone. The heat was really bad too. I’m still not a big fan of riding in the heat, even with the nice gear. So I got up at my normal 5am and as I stepped out of my room, I realized Mike was up. Apparently Daniel, their dog (who vomited on the floor last night) had been up all night being sick so Mike stayed up to help him through the night. I got the bike packed up and Mike and I chatted, mainly about bikes of course. He used to ride until he had an accident and tore himself up pretty good.

I zipped off at about 5:30am and headed up to 244 so I could zip through town and out the other side before it got too busy. The merge lane was non-existent. If I wasn’t going slower anyway, I might have been taken out by the truck that zoomed by. The sign had said “short merge lane” which I guess in Okie means “no merge lane”. It wasn’t scary close but it was a sudden slow down that I might have not had to do. On the other side of Tulsa and in the Service Area, I stopped for gas and a bite.

I was actually somewhat surprised at how quickly I got to 35 north and even to the Service area on the Kansas turnpike just south of Wichita. I pulled in for gas and a stretch of my legs.

Again, a swift ride up through Wichita, around Salina and on to 70 west. I was getting low on fuel and needed a stretch. It took a few exits before I pulled off at the Effington exit and gassed up.

The woman there was cheerful and wanted to chat while I snacked on some nuts. She was trying to figure out how to get to Tulsa in order to pick up a Bandit. She was selling her GS500 and wanted to upgrade. Her husband had a Katana and she had a list of other bikes they had gone through to get where they are now. She said he wanted to get a Hayabusa but would wait on it. They were planning on a vacation to Fayetteville Arkansas to ride around in the area. Sounded like fun to me and I told her about it as I’d been through a couple of times so far. So we had a nice chat before I headed off again.

I decided to stop in Hays again for lunch, again heading down to the Taco Bell for a burrito. It’s a cheap lunch and doesn’t put me into a food coma.

From there I could almost see Colorado. I have to say it was a wide open space with horizon out as far as you can see (no trees or mountains to block the way). It was like you were all alone in the world. It had been quite windy though and I spent a few miles tilted over to the right just a little (the bike tilted to the left to fight the wind). I got to Quinter and knew that would be the last Kansas stop.

And I’m in Colorado, Burlington Colorado to be precise. I should be able to see mountains in an hour or two.

When I pulled out, I had a white car pulling a trailer with bicycles in it and a gold colored SUV with a canoe on top right in front but going a tiny bit slower. So I zipped by. The SUV decided he wanted to be in front and zoomed by with the white car hanging back. I decided to use the SUV as a rabbit and kept back a mile or so. I had been seeing cops both on the way out and back and kept my speed at about 5mph over the speed limit. It had a few cars pass now and then and I passed vehicles more often (the trucks and campers mainly). The guy in the white car stayed pretty close. I guess he was using the SUV as a rabbit as well, or trying to use me as a rabbit but he was following too closely for that to work correctly.

I got to Limon and pulled in for some gas. The white car was over in front there (see picture) with the trailer and the gold SUV was next to me (again, see the pic) 🙂 When I left, they were right behind me. The SUV took off again and the white car hung on my tail.

I decided to take the toll road as it was about 4pm and I expected traffic to be moderately heavy. When I got to 25, I found it was indeed pretty heavy. I got off at 52 west, turned on 287 towards Longmont. Made the turn on Pike, again on Hover, once more on Mountain View, then Harvard, Northwestern, Stanford, and finally Cornell and I’m home.

All in all, it was somewhat tiring. I think it wasn’t as bad as the previous trip to California and back through Amarillo but it was a bit tedious and hot. Oh, and I started taking pictures of the new tire at each gas stop. At the end of 2,000 miles, the tire looks almost new. I’ll keep this going until it’s time to replace the tire. We’ll see how it progresses.

The first gas stop:

Upon reaching home, almost exactly 2,000 miles later:

Posted in 2012 - GenCon 45, Gaming, Motorcycle Trips | Leave a comment

Riding to GenCon 45

Monday (and some of Sunday night) was spent mostly going over personal stuff (the Rita and me thing). She’s a good sounding board. Both are nurses and she’s in the psych ward. Not that it makes her a professional, but I generally can get some good advise. My main issue is reviewing all that’s happened and trying to make sure I don’t ruminate on all the events trying to see where I went wrong. It was an interesting conversation from the both of them really.

During lunch, I introduced her to Chipotle’s, which they’ve never gone to. I think I’ve converted them from Fuddrucker’s to Chipotle’s (and maybe from the Rib Crib as well 🙂 ). We also headed over to Guitar Center so she could hit up Hobby Lobby and Bed, Bath, and Beyond while I idled around guitars, amps, and such 🙂

I picked up a package of jazz picks and then a Telecaster. It was badly out of tune and I was pleased to find that I could rough tune it by ear and was pretty close 🙂 I played a few riffs and also checked out the rest of the gear. I’m always amazed at how inexpensive some of the gear is. A 4×12 speaker cabinet is $300 (yea, just a box with four big assed speakers but still). There’s a guy at work selling a stack for $950. I thought it was a pretty nice deal after checking on line but find it’s pretty average and not a “sweet deal” 🙂

Once done we headed back to the house and watched movies and chatted more. I packed up my gear to be ready to go and found their dog had barfed big time on the bedroom floor, yoinks! After the clean up I headed off to bed.

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Riding to GenCon 45

Sunday morning and it’s time to go. I roll out at 5am get a shower and head down to move the bike out front. But first, the key. Now where did I put the key? It’s not in the suit where it belongs. You know how it is where you have one place where you put things and that’s where it belongs and if it’s somewhere else, it’s lost no matter where it is? So I’m thinking it might be on the bike in the ignition. I’ve done that way too many times but nope, after walking out there it’s not there. I head back to the main desk and think “oh, when I took my trunk keys out of my backpack where’d I’d kept them, I saw a silver thing which I thought were my fingernail clippers (which is where I do normally keep them); I bet it was the key.” Of course the backpack is in the bottom of the trunk with clothes and a game on top. So I grab a bellhop (or whatever they’re called nowadays) to bring a cart up to my room. When I get up there, I move the saddlebags, tail bag, trunk, and tank bag out. She arrives not long after and I help load up plus put my Aerostich suit on the hanger and put the net, gloves, penguin, and Cthulhu on the cart and quietly shut the door. I get out to the bike and with her watching and chatting, I get the bike loaded up. I tip her and then open up the trunk to break out the backpack and sure enough, it’s in the backpack. I repack the trunk and am ready to go, right at 6am.

I need to be in Tulsa Oklahoma. I should be there by 6pm or so. I follow 70 on west until Terra Haute where it’s time to fill up the bike and take a break.

Following 70 through Illinois. The sun’s coming up and it looks like a nice enough day.

In East St Louis. Just hunting/following the directions for 44 south to Tulsa.

Stop in Cuba Missouri

It’s pretty amazing the number of “Fire Obama’s Lawyer” billboards there are plus the occasional “Wanna Be Dictator” with Obama’s picture (really more of a picture of Obama’s face with a black background) and other such billboards in the state of Missouri. Kansas and Oklahoma (as well as Missouri) had lots of “Abortion stops a beating heart” and “Smile, you mom chose to keep you” among other similar signs, generally posted on someone’s property but Missouri was the only one with so many scary billboards.

And a stop in Lebanon Missouri for gas.

And Sarcoxie Missouri.

And Claremore Oklahoma. This is a toll road so there really wasn’t much of a place to stop. As I got close to Tulsa, I stopped in at a QuikTrip. I got a refund of $.50 from the toll lady as I left the toll road and gave it back when I got back on the toll road. Very odd 🙂

From here I stopped at around 161st in Tulsa just as I entered town and looked up my aunt and uncle’s address, where I’d be spending two nights. I got directions and headed off. I found the place and unpacked the bike after giving my aunt a big hug.

We headed out for dinner at the Rib Crib. Man, what a really bad fast food rib house. The babyback ribs were just dry and hard, like beef jerky.

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Riding to GenCon 45

Ahh, Saturday. This is the day when the folks who couldn’t take a week day off will be here. Should be the biggest crowd. This is also the day of the costume parade. There were even more folks running around in costume so there are more opportunities for quick pictures. But first, I decided to go for a walk. I hadn’t been outside much, hazard of gaming. And Wednesday night it poured with lightning. Here’s the walking bridge. Nice blue sky and all. It was also pretty cool out.

There were even some big fish in the river:

On my way back I got a pic of the hotel. We’re way up towards the top. There are 33 floors on the buttons so I assume we’re 5 floors down from the top although there may well be conference rooms or Presidential suites.

Once I got my fresh air, I headed back to the convention and ran into a few more costumed folks:

While in the vendor area spending my last hundred bucks, I ran into this guy and had to get a picture. It’s weird how some of the pictures are a little blurry and others are nice and clear. Some iPhone specific thing. I chose not to bring the camera along just because it’s a pain to get it out and ready just to have it flash at the folks as well. The iPhone seems to be good enough most of the time. Anyway, I snapped this one of a steampunk costume that just looked exactly right. I’ll be adding it as a description to my Airship Pirates game coming up.

More costumers. These guys are Dark Elves I’m guessing.

And she is not. Sailor moon maybe?

I turned around and spotted Red Skull. Woah, what a costume.

Sonic had a good sidekick 😀

Again, not sure. The mouse guy looks pretty cool although the ladies are interesting as well.

Disney folks? Captain Hook, Prince Charming? The Evil Queen, etc?

No idea who they are, however I ran into them when I was at GenCon last time so had to get the followup picture.

Stormtroopers are always a hit.

Of course there are the cosplay folks. The little kids love them.

The Riddler guy was pretty good. Don’t know if the lady is a Batman villain though.

Bobba Fet? (Right guy, don’t know the right spelling though).

These are guys from the Warhammer RPG universe. Pretty cool actually.

Wandering back through the boardgaming area, I had to get a pic of the Booth Babe (even though she’s not in a booth).

Jon and I got together and headed over for lunch at TGI Friday’s and ran into a group of folks on a scavenger hunt. They needed a picture of a motorcycle rider with a GenCon badge (I guess there aren’t all that many of us 😀 ). It just so happened I’m one but of course my bike is in the garage. Fortunately a couple of guys left their bikes out front so they took advantage and got a pic. That’s Jon on the left (not in the Challenge Nation shirt of course).

Note my shoes. Those are actually moccasins. They’re the ones I wore when Rita and I married. This is the only other time I’ve worn them (and they’re not bad although). Also note the purple bandage. I’d given blood earlier as part of the convention and received the red “Gave Blood” add on to my badge plus was told I needed to have some protein to build back my red blood cells which was why we went to TGI Friday’s.

Back in the vendor area after lunch, I picked up my Judge Dredd books (spending the last hundred bucks) and ran into the Blade booth. Who should be running it but Ken St Andre, a well know game designer of Tunnels and Trolls, the second role playing game created at the same time as Dungeons and Dragons. After discussions about Ace of Aces (a WWI air combat game that’s pretty cool) and my having original versions of most of his stuff since I was buying it back then, I bought the 7.7 edition and asked him to autograph it which he did. I shook his hand and thanked him for some great gaming.

Once done there, I brought my gear upstairs and headed down at 6pm for Wendy’s Bachelorette party. It was actually Wendy’s gaming group either from Denver or friends she’d made while gaming. We had a pretty good time hanging about and chatting about the convention. They’d attended several LARP’s so some were still in costume. Megan and Lori especially.

Once I was done, I headed on upstairs to get my gear packed up and ready to go so I could be on the road in the morning with a minimum of fuss. Jon, Wendy, Megan, Lori, and the rest were attending a Midnight Zombie game (that started at 9pm). So I needed to be quiet when I left in the morning.

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Riding to GenCon 45

Second day of gaming. Again, I checked out the book to see what I could find. On the plus side, I was checking the book out on the 31st floor. I’d moved my Cthulhu plushie to my backpack so having a little kid exclaim, “look at that mom!” was pretty satisfying 🙂

I headed over to the board gaming area once I had a list of games to hunt down (Red Dragon Inn, Pandemic, Level 7 [Escape]) and a hand full of Generic tickets. Weirdly though, not much was running. I’d stop by the Battletech/Shadowrun/Leviathan gaming area (all Catalyst games) just to check things out, plus Privateer Press (Level 7) was next door so I could check on the availability of a Level 7 demo game. The Horde miniatures guys were out in droves. Lots of cool miniatures, nothing I’d want to get in to as they can be even more expensive than just role playing (1 have 245 Shadowrun role playing books not including the PDFs, dice, patches, t-shirts, etc).

This was one I came back to a couple of times. The guy on the right eventually loses.

The Orc train is arriving 🙂

This one was pretty cool. It looks a lot better when all of the mini’s are painted. The company had several fast miniature painting demos over at the Vendor booth (Privateer Press again).

Once done there, I headed over to the Vendor room again. It was getting close to 10 so the doors were opening again. Not quite as many lemmings as on the first day but still a few.

Straight back is the board gaming room. I’d gone upstairs to check out the location of a seminar I wanted to attend. To the right and towards the back are the electronic gaming rooms. There was a pretty big LAN party going on plus a Dance-Dance game on the center wall (full projection) and a Guitar Hero game on the right side. That was pretty cool but I did ask about Rocksmith for next year. The comment is that they’re just facilitators and don’t bring the gear. The folks who want to, can set up a Rocksmith game next year. You’d just have to bring your own gear. Now that might be interesting. I might just have to do that next year 😀

Plenty of costumes floating around. There is a parade tomorrow plus impromptu contests and shows.

Sometimes I have no idea what’s being shown though. I mean, I get the Stormtrooper and maybe the Jedi on the left but I don’t know what the other two are from. Still, cool costumes.

I stopped in and picked up a copy of Level 7 for me and sent out a query to Wendy to see if she had her copy yet. Several folks who came from Denver were overloaded with gaming vs looking at available swag so she had sent out a query yesterday for someone to get a copy of Level 7 for her. Once I had the game, I started over to the board gaming but was pinged by Jon. They had a 1st level D&D game going on and needed a fighter, am I available? I said sure, where are you and was directed over to the Courtyard Marriott, Indiana Ballroom. I took a roundabout route to get to it but made it without too much trouble.

The game was pretty cool over all for such a low level adventure. There were a few points where I might have done it a little different, but I’ve been role playing since the 70’s so I have a little more experience than 90% of the folks at GenCon 🙂

I did have a pretty cool moment during the game, probably the best over the entire weekend. The woman next to me quoted Time Bandits which was relevant to the situation. I experienced a warm feeling right then. I’m among gamers again. It feels like I’ve been wandering in the wilderness for years. Especially when she said it was a favorite movie of hers. That was my ‘awesome’ moment for GenCon.

When the game was done (around 4pm) we congratulated everyone and headed off to do other things. I’d received a reply from Wendy that no, she didn’t have Level 7 yet so I headed over to the game room and bought a copy for her. On my way back, I ran into more costumed folks:

These costumes are very elaborate. I suspect it’s anime related though. Still, very cool.

I went back to my room and broke out my Level 7 game. It’s a solo game but up to 4 can play. I got it all punched out and set up per the instructions and then started a game. I received a message that Wendy and Megan (her sister) were upstairs on the 31st floor so I grabbed her bag with Level 7 and headed on up. We chatted for about an hour before bailing. I finished my Level 7 game (and had a few questions), put it away and then took a shower and went to bed.

Posted in 2012 - GenCon 45, Gaming, Motorcycle Trips | Tagged | Leave a comment

Riding to GenCon 45

Ok, I’m at GenCon 45. Unfortunately I didn’t get any game tickets. See, you schedule and purchase game tickets in advance to make sure you can attend the games you want to play. You can also get a Generic ticket, worth $2 which lets you attend any game with an open slot. Either because someone who actually paid failed to show up for whatever reason, or because they didn’t sell every open slot. Board and Card games are generally a single Generic ticket with longer running games, mostly Role playing, requiring up to 8 tickets. So upon waking, I checked with the guys who came and headed off.

We met at the Starbucks where I was holding a place for them, Brian and Jason. Both are members of my gaming group along with Jon, Wendy, Mike, and a few others who didn’t make the Convention.

First thing was to check out the board gaming (and card gaming) area. This was a fairly large area in the main convention hall.

And that’s just one corner. I was standing in the center of the room (or as center as I could) and got a pic facing each corner. It’s a huge room. This is pretty much all card gaming with board gaming behind me.

Of course, much of the fun is the costumes. Folks do tend to go way out with their selections. In this one, all three actually came separately and stumbled upon the others and decided to hang together for a much better effect.

There was live music as well. These guys were actually pretty good as were the other bands that were around the convention area.

The biggest “unofficial” event is “The Running of The Lemmings”. This is at 10am on Thursday and is when the vendor doors open. See the various game companies have special convention only gear such as t-shirts, buttons, patches, and even special or limited edition books. So much of the attendees of the convention gather at the gates (there are three) and wait for 10am. At 9:45am is the opening ceremonies and we even had the mayor of Indianapolis speaking at this one. I guess with 35,000 to 40,000 gamers come to town, there is some reason for the bigwigs to come out and schmooze 😀

I did pick up convention specific gear from the Catalyst booth (they create Shadowrun, my go to game) including a Doc Wagon t-shirt, Attitude t-shirt, … well, here’s a picture. Maybe that’ll help 🙂

The two rows on the left are the Shadowrun books. The two black ones are the limited edition ones which I had autographed as well. On the right side are Judge Dredd books which use the Traveller game system. At the back is the Level 7 horror semi-cooperative board game. Into The Cosmos is a settings book for Cosmic Patrol, a ee doc smith or Jack Vance space opera type of game. Next to it is Tunnels and Trolls version 7.5 also autographed. On either side are boxes of dice. The left ones are specific to Shadowrun. The right ones I needed for a D&D game I played in. Under that are expansions to Red Dragon Inn (Pooky and Erin). Between is a CD from Choke The Word. Then various stickers and buttons along with a couple of books I got at the con.

Add in another 4 or 5 t-shirts and it’s a nice haul (and tough to pack back on the bike; but I did it).

I headed back over to the room at lunch. We had concierge service which gave us access to the 31st floor for free food and drinks all day. I’d had breakfast earlier then lunch now. I also dropped off my first run of gear (the Shadowrun stuff). Since it was light out, I got a couple of pics.

I did a little wandering around but was mainly looking for open games. I browsed the convention book looking for games I wanted to play and then headed over to see if there were open spaces. I was able to snag a space in the Cosmic Encounters game. I have the original game from back in the late 70’s, early 80’s so I was curious as to what had changed in 30 years. Mostly the characters and powers were the same. Some of the rules were slightly different, not enough to badly affect the game but enough that I couldn’t just jump in knowing all the rules.

I did wander around a bit after to see if I could connect up with a different available game but none were open. I did find a 10′ tall Wookie though.

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